Gluten · Writing

Glutened Goal Update

Just stopping in quickly to say that while I got another page written when sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office, I haven’t been able to get any more done at all (other than this post). The doctor gave me some new meds that not only prompted the rocks that roll around in my belly to don their barbed wire jackets, but to also throw a rave in my gut. I have been quite literally knocked down. The only time I can unfurl myself from the fetal position is after a bit of sleep, hence why I’m writing this in the morning.

It’s not uncommon for me to have feelings of being “knocked down” when I’m glutened. But it is unusual to have them for this long. At least it’s been mostly the weekend so my hubby has been Superdad for the last 2 days (he fortunately had already taken Friday off). Here’s to praying this goes away soon. 🙂

Anyway, I hope you guys are able to achieve your writing goals

2 thoughts on “Glutened Goal Update

    1. Thanks Patricia 🙂 I’ll be taking the last of the antibiotics tomorrow so hopefully that is what has been increasing my nausea and cramping and I can be done with the more intense part of that!

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